It would be safe to say as sisters growing up we were total opposites!
Laura was confident and outgoing, Philippa cautious and shy…
Laura was a “colour outside the lines” type of child, Philippa would tear the page out if it wasn’t neat enough…
The photo of us as kids could not demonstrate our personalities better, Laura going all out with our Mums makeup box, Philippa carefully and precisely making sure it was all neat and in the right places!
Fast forward all these years later and we are thrilled to have taken over our parents business together, just like when we were kids we both have different qualities we bring to the jobs we do, so to be nominated for an award at the Enterprise Vision Awards as a sister team is the ultimate honour.
Working together, to continue the business our parents started 25 years ago, and using our own unique skills and personalities to ensure we continue our parents legacy is a our main aim together with keeping family at the centre of everything we do.